Representative Reviews:
Dark Waters
a Focus Features film
"Other high-caliber actors, including Bill Pullman and Mare Winningham, come and go in too-brief roles, but Ruffalo has one fiercely affecting scene near the end with DuPont's CEO (Barry Mulholland) that nearly justifies the whole thing."
--Leah Greenblatt, Entertainment Weekly
August: Osage County
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
“When Uncle Charles, played expertly by Barry Mulholland, delivers Grace before the meal the entire audience was in stitches. Mulholland was one of many standouts in this ensemble cast."
-- League of Cincinnati Theatres

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
"...emotionally strong and beautifully acted...There isn’t a dry eye on stage or off when Matt Dreyton (Barry Mulholland) delivers his requested decision about the young couple's relationship."
-- Behind the Curtain Cincinnati

Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati
"Annie Fitzpatrick and Barry Mulholland bring more hesitance and reflection to Cait and Robert than their younger counterparts; they carry more than three decades of regrets, after all. But these are gifted actors, and they balance their characters’ sadnesses with the still-potent enthusiasm of their long-ago passions. "
-- Cincinnati Enquirer
"The kind of show that people will fall in love with. The cast is perfect."
-- Cincinnati CityBeat

Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park
"Bruce Graham's beautifully written play about the right to die is deeply affecting -- some people in the audience were visibly crying -- but it's also shot through with humor. More than anything, it's about love...its depth revealed in an incredibly tender scene, heart-breakingly rendered by Mulholland and MacKay, with a brilliant twist of plot that should make this play an American classic."
-- Cincinnati Post

The Belmont Avenue Social Club
Capital Repertory Company
“Barry Mulholland offers a powerful chunk of living inside the quicksilver Doug Reardon, a politician with the suave air of Prince Charming and the vaulting ambition of Macbeth.” -- Albany Record
"Barry Mulholland fairly slithers as Reardon in this brisk comedy/drama that plays like a political thriller directed by Howard Hawks in "His Girl Friday" mode." -- Metroland
"There is theatrical dynamite onstage at Capital Repertory Company. There are no dances or bridge games in this social club on Belmont Avenue; just an all-male group controlling the politics of a large city's election district. Roger Serbagi, Barry Mulholland, and James Doerr fuel the onstage fireworks, the tough political in-fighting adroitly handled by all three actors in scenes that resound with authenticity."
-- Daily Gazette

Classic Stage Company
"There are assured performances in multiple roles by
Barry Mulholland, Tom Spiller, and Walter Williamson....”
-- New York Times
"The acting is accomplished, and the masterly staging makes
this "Faust" a once-in-a-lifetime New York theatrical occasion
that must not be missed. Make no mistake, this is a towering experience.”
-- Clive Barnes, NY Post

The Diary of Anne Frank
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
"Mulholland becomes the dramatic glue that holds the ensemble together."
-- Cincinnati Enquirer
"The final scene featuring Otto Frank's (Barry Mulholland) monologue revealing the fates of each character is beautifully written, performed and staged, and left an indelible mark on me, as well as the rest of the audience, judging by the inspired standing ovation."
-- League of Cincinnati Theatres
"Perhaps the most important individual onstage is Anne’s father, the man who orchestrated the escape, and who would ultimately be the sole person from the annex to survive the Holocaust: Otto Frank. Barry Mulholland captivates as a man desperately trying to maintain some sense of control and hope amidst his housemates."
-- TNR, The News Record

Twelfth Night
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
"Mulholland delivers a textbook
comic performance."
-- CityBeat

Freud's Last Session
Repertory Theatre of St. Louis
"Barry Mulholland’s aging Freud is a brilliant piece of work, capturing Freud’s physical fragility and discomfort as well as the character’s combative and even heroic spirit."
--- Stage Left, St. Louis
"Two brilliant actors collide in Freud's Last Session at St. Louis Rep....Barry Mulholland is striking as Freud, and Jim Butz is equally effective as the contemplative C.S. Lewis....These two actors hold the audience in thrall in a startling performance of give and take....Watching them work together is the stuff of powerful theatre."
-- Stage Door St. Louis
"You couldn’t ask for two stronger performances than these by Mulholland and Butz, which take the production from “worth seeing” to “must see.”
-- Christopher Reilly, ALIVE Magazine

A Moon For The Misbegotten
Merrimack Repertory Theatre
“Accomplished and moving, this very good production could become truly great before its run is over.”
-- Boston Globe
“As James Tyrone, Jr., Barry Mulholland is likeable, hate-able, and mesmerizing, all in the same breath.
-- Lowell Gazette

Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati
"Mulholland was almost too good at some points because I literally started to get so mad at his character..."
-- Broadway World

Much Ado About Nothing
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
"Barry Mulholland brings a measure of elegance to any show he is in."
-- Cincinnati Enquirer
"Barry Mulholland stands out as Hero’s doting father Leonato, who is not as easily taken in by hearsay, but his doubt is heartrending to watch."
-- Cincinnati CityBeat

Classic Stage Company
"This Franklin farrago is very smartly acted by Mary Eileen O'Donnell, Barry Mulholland, Howard Lucas, Walter Williamson, and a particularly intense Gary Sloan. When everything else is considered, Christopher Martin is creating one of the most important theatre companies in the country."
-- Clive Barnes, New York Post
"The stylish Barry Mulholland is a gem."
-- New York Guide
"CSC's "Balloon" is further evidence that a company of major stature resides in our midst. Under the leadership of Christopher Martin and co-director Sunde, the cast performs a labor of love. Capturing both optimism and its obverse, they play together as though born to do so." -- The Villager
Three Sisters
Intiman Theatre
"Richard Riehle is a superb Andrei, and Barry Mulholland is exactly right as Baron Tusenbach, as is Jean Smart as the cunning Natasha."
-- Seattle Sun
"Almost everyone deserves praise -- Richard Riehle as Andrei, Brian Thompson as Masha's 'satisfied' husband, Glenn Mazen as her lover, Jean Smart as Natasha, and Barry Mulholland as the beleaguered Tusenbach. Come visit these people, the Prozorovs and their friends. You'll find them sad, funny, slightly ridiculous, and ultimately unforgettable." -- Greg Palmer, Channel 5
"This Three Sisters, especially the incomparable first act, is just as funny as Chekhov always said it would be if the actors and director would simply not indulge in sentiment, self-aggrandizement, and special pleading......Like Andrei Serban's notorious staging of Cherry Orchard last season at Lincoln Center, this production will anger some for its refusal to raise its voice, to emote, for discarding the traditional rich surface realism associated with Chekhov. For me, the production's devotion to the "obvious," the structural, the ironic and schematic side of the script, is its most attractive feature. This is not a total Three Sisters, if such a thing is possible, but it is the most moving, complete version I have ever seen." -- Seattle Weekly --
Wild Oats
Classic Stage Company
"The CSC company is one of the constant pleasures of the New York stage, offering a type of ensemble acting rarely found here.....Barry Mulholland, Amy Warner, and Mary Eileen O'Donnell stand out in a most worthy cast."
-- New York Daily News
"When we finally get around to discussing plans for a National Theatre, Christopher Martin's CSC Repertory Company might be a good place to start." -- Clive Barnes, New York Post
"Sloan and Warner are sharing the stage with a score of fine disciplined actors, notably Barry Mulholland as the blustery Sir George..."
-- Newark Record

The Devil's Disciple
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
"Mulholland is an engaging, charismatic scoundrel in the best Erroll Flynn/Douglas Fairbanks tradition and the production springs to life the moment he arrives onstage." -- Eugene Register Guard
"The Devil’s Disciple, featuring Barry Mulholland in the title role, is the non-Shakespearean hit of this year’s season." -- San Francisco Chronicle
"From the moment Barry Mulholland appears, playing Dudgeon with an outlandish madcap style, to the climactic slam-bang rescue scene at the end -- Dudgeon is hanged but caught mid-air as Anderson rushes in for a last minute rescue in a suspenseful scene that is real beyond description -- the play is a wonderful romp. Mulholland clearly enjoys the role, breathing vitality into Shaw's title character, capturing perfectly the spirit of a man whose religion is the joy of life. He laughs, he wrestles, he woos, he rails against hypocrisy. He is simply wonderful, but he is not alone in this uniformly fine cast. Everyone is excellent, elevating the standards of the Shakespearean Festival to new levels." -- Sacramento Bee
"Mulholland roars through the title role with the playful bite of an 18th century Lenny Bruce."
-- Ashland Daily Tidings
"The cast is uniformly excellent, with Denis Arndt and Barry Mulholland especially making the most out of Shaw’s witty epigrammatic dialogue. Their third act exchange in the climactic trial scene is one of the production’s many high points." -- Portland Oregonian
"Mulholland is charming and roguish as the devil's disciple, tossing off his lines with devilish delight, particularly in lively verbal combat with Denis Arndt's dryly witty General Burgoyne." -- The Columbian
"Barry Mulholland and Joe de Salvio are splendid as the Shavian zealots who bolt from the system."
-- Los Angeles Herald-Examiner